ירושלמי חנוך, פרופ’ (אמריטוס)

דרגה ותפקיד:
כתובת דוא״ל: hyerush1@gmail.com
שעות קבלה: בתיאום מראש
חדר: בניין מדעי הרווחה והבריאות
שייכות לחוג / ביה”ס / יחידה:
ירושלמי חנוך



Billings, J., Abou Seif, N., Hegarty, S., Ondruskova, T., Soulios, E., Bloomfield, M. Greene, T. What support do frontline workers want? A qualitative study of health and social care workers’ experiences and views of psychosocial support during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLOS One, 16, e0256454

Greene, T., Harju-Seppänen, J., Adeniji, M., Steel, C., Grey, N., Brewin, C.R., Bloomfield, M.A., Billings, J.  (2021). Predictors and rates of PTSD, depression and anxiety in UK frontline health and social care workers during COVID-19. European Journal of Psychotraumatology.

Billings, J., Biggs, C., Ching, B. C. F., Gkofa, V., Singleton, D., Bloomfield, M., & Greene, T. (2021). Experiences of mental health professionals supporting front-line health and social care workers during COVID-19: qualitative study. BJPsych open, 7(2).

Lapid Pickman, L., Gelkopf, M., Greene, T., (2021). Emotional reactivity during conflict: An experience sampling study of exposure and pre-conflict psychiatric diagnosis. Stress and Health, 37(1), 127-139.

Bloomfield, M.A.P., Chang, T., Woodl, M.J., Lyons, L.M., Cheng, Z., Bauer-Staeb, C., Hobbs, C., Bracke, S., Kennerley, H., Isham, L., Brewin, C., Billings, J., Greene, T., Lewis, G. (2021). Psychological processes mediating the association between developmental trauma and specific psychotic symptoms in adults; A systematic review and meta-analysis. World Psychiatry, 107-123.

Greene, T., Bloomfield, M., Billings, J. (2020). Psychological trauma and moral injury in religious leaders during COVID-19. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12, S1, S143-S145.

Greene, T. Dicker-Oren, D. Palgi, Y. (2020). A network analysis of peritraumatic distress reactions and their relation to posttraumatic stress symptoms in people exposed to community fires. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological processes, 83(4), 375-389.

Greene, T, Gelkopf, M, Fried, E, Robinaugh, D, Lapid Pickman, L. (2020). Dynamic network analysis of negative emotions and DSM-5 PTSD symptom clusters. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33, 72-83.

Palgi, Y., Dicker-Oren, D., Greene, T. (2020). Evaluating a community fire as human-made vs natural disaster moderates the relationship between peritraumatic distress and both PTSD symptoms and posttraumatic growth. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 33(5), 569-580.

Contractor, A. Greene, T. Dolan, M. Armour, C. (2020). Relation between PTSD clusters and positive memory characteristics: A network perspective. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 69, 10257

Sznitman, S., Shochat, T., Greene, T. (2020). Is time elapsed between cannabis use and sleep start time associated with sleep continuity? An experience sampling method. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 208, 107846

Greene, T., West, M., Somer, E. (2020). Short Communication: Maladaptive daydreaming and emotional regulation difficulties: A Network Analysis.  Psychiatry Research, 285, 11279.

Birkeland, M.S., Greene, T., Spiller, T.R. The network approach to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): A systematic review (2020). European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11, 1700614.

Billings, J.L., Greene, T., Kember, T., Grey, N., El-Leithy, S., Lee, D., Kennerley, H., Albert, I., Robertson, M., Brewin, C., Bloomfield, M. (2020). Supporting Hospital Staff during COVID-19: Early interventions. Occupational Medicine, 70, 327-329

Levi-Belz, Y., Greene, T., Zerach, G. (2020). A network analysis of moral injury, PTSD, and depression. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11, 1736411

Goral, A., Gelkopf, M., Greene, T. (2020). Do posttraumatic stress symptoms mediate the relationship between peritraumatic threat and posttraumatic growth? A prospective experience sampling study. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 33, 89-99.

Gelkopf, M., Lapid Pickman, L., Carlson, E., Greene, T. (2019).  The dynamic relationship of peritraumatic posttraumatic symptoms: An experience sampling study during wartime. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32, 119-129.

Olff, M., Amstadter, A., Armour, C., Birkeland, M.S., Bui, E., Cloitre, M., Ehlers, A., Ford, J.D., Greene, T., Hansen, M. and Lanius, R., (2019). A decennial review of psychotraumatology: what did we learn and where are we going? European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10(1), 1-24.

Grinapol, S., Greene, T., Pagorek-Eshel, S., Rodrig, J., Halpern, P., Gelkopf, M. (2019). Prospective Examination of Daily Life Traumatic Stress Symptom Expression Following Motor Vehicle Accidents. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online access.